10 Jan 2024

Daily practice questions for CLAT - (10 Jan 2024)

In some ways, it’s super simple. People learn to be whatever their society and culture teaches them. We often assume that it takes parents actively teaching their kids, for them to be racist. The truth is that unless parents actively teach kids not to be racists, they will be,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale University social psychologist. “This is not the product of some deep-seated, evil heart that is cultivated. It comes from the environment, the air all around us.”Richeson compares children's instinctive formation of biases to a student at a new school. “When you arrive at a new high school. You are instinctively trying to figure out who’s cool, who’s not, who’s a nerd, who gets beat up? Kids quickly acquire these associations,” she said. To get a sense of just how pervasive and imperceptibly our environment can affect us, one study at Tufts University found that even with a TV show on mute displaying scenes with no explicit discrimination, the nonverbal body language of black and white actors interacting was enough to cause watchers to test higher for implicit bias afterward. “An us-them mentality is unfortunately a really basic part of our biology,” said Eric Knowles, a psychology professor at New York University who studies prejudice and politics. “There’s a lot of evidence that people have an ingrained even evolved tendency toward people who are in our so-called 'in group. But how we define those groups, and the tendency to draw divisions along racial lines, is social, not biological, he added. “We can draw those lines in a number of ways that society tells us,” he said.

Question1:- Which of the following is not an example of “us-them”?
  • A. I eat my lunch with all my classmates irrespective of their religious background.
  • B. I refuse to make friends with any of the lower caste or tribal person.
  • C. I will choose my husband on the basis of his skin colour and caste.
  • D. The sports team requires a caste certificate which shows that you belong to the higher social class.
Answer is A is correct. option (B), (C) and (D) are all examples of us- them view and view people outside of the group as different from the inner circle. Option (A) talks of including everyone. Hence option (A).
Question2:- Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
  • A. The new generation is more progressive and awake.
  • B. Being progressive is a myth.
  • C. White people want a separate society.
  • D. We need to change our culture and be more progressive.
Answer is A is correct. option (A) is correct as we need to change the social environment to be more progressive. Option (B) cannot be inferred. Option (C) is too pessimistic. Option (D) very general a point to be considered.
Question3:- Which of the following assertions is/are true regarding the passage? i. People often think that racism means abuse, violence or harassment. ii. Racism can be shown through behavior and attitude as well.
  • A. Only i
  • B. Only ii
  • C. Both I and ii
  • D. Neither I nor ii
Answer is C is correct. statement I is correct because the author talks about racism being divisive and biased. And statement ii tells from the example that racism is also present in behaviours. Hence option (C) is correct.
Question4:- Which of the following statements can be inferred regarding the school example in the passage?
  • A. Schools in backward or under-developed areas promote racism.
  • B. School environments are the place for social labeling.
  • C. Schools that work on empathy and collaboration and acceptance have lesser behavioral issues.
  • D. Racism does not occur in schools and schools are free from bias.
Answer is B is correct. the passage states that - When you arrive at a new high school. “You are instinctively trying to figure out who’s cool, who’s not, who’s a nerd, who gets beat up? Kids quickly acquire these associations,” this gives us the answer that is option (B).
Question5:- Which of the following assumptions is/are correct regarding the passage?
  • A. Racism is a problem.
  • B. Racism only happens in America.
  • C. Racism leads to violence.
  • D. Racism is sometimes valid.
Answer is A is correct. option (A) is the correct answer because the author throughout the passage is talking about the problem that is racism and that gives us an assumption that racism is a problem. Option (B) is limiting the passage. Option (C) is wrong and cannot be the assumption. Option (D) is contradictory to the sentiments of the author. Hence option (A) is the correct answer.