Tips & Tricks For Examination


Strategy For Prelims

Being a Judicial Officer requires clear understanding of the concepts, ability to grasp the complex concepts of law and understand its application.
For example, if you are reading any Bare Act, you must not only mug up the provisions but you should also read the provisions with an approach to understand its practical implementation and also interlink and relate it with others provisions. Most of the students are focused on covering the entire syllabus in a lengthy way rather it should be a combination of hard work and smart study.
Understanding the importance of Pre and mains examination is must to clear the examination. There are chances of an aspirant clearing the examination in the first attempt if they cover the whole syllabus comprehensively without ignoring the papers like GK and GS.

For Efficient and Effective Study

Read the Bare Act very carefully while focusing on the language used in the bare act.

Keep your booklist short and standard

It is Better to read one book for each subject thoroughly rather getting distracted by following multiple sources.

Read illustrations given in the bare act and related case laws carefully as several prelims questions relate to these.

Preliminary exam is all about identifying the correct answer among the options given. It's all about elimination of the wrong options and identifying the correct one. Focus should be more on understanding the concept.