Doctrine of Novus Actus Interveniens is a type of defence, which is mostly practised in civil negligence cases. It is a Latin phrase which means there will be the appearance of a new act or event in the causal chain between the initial event, in a sequence and the result causing a break in the continuity of the same. Appearance of the intervening factor or the third party in the chain will give another result or worsens the appeared result. Hence, the independent and strong enough intervening act reduce or nullify the liability of the primary wrongdoer, thereby giving protection in the court of law When a patient is getting treatment from a physician and there is negligence on his part, while discharging his duties, he can be sued on the basis of gravity of outcome and extent of negligence. However, in the course of the event, i.e., from initial negligence to the final outcome, if a new intervening factor appears in the form of negligence of patient or other medical personnel or by natural factors which breaks the causal chain, it can be a good defence for the physician, as he is not directly liable for the harm, as was popularised by Hart and Honore.