Daily Static MCQs for Judiciary Prelims Exams - (6 December 2023)
Question/ Answer
Question1:- Crime is said to be an act which is both for bidden by law and against the moral
sentiments of the society. The definition is given by?
(a) Stephen
(b) Austin
(c) Bentham
(d) Black Stone
Answer is A is correct. According to Stephen “A crime is an act or an omission in respect of which
legal punishment may be inflicted on the person who is in default either by acting or
omitting to act.” Hence a crime is said to be both forbidden by law and against the moral
sentiment of the society. Therefore option (a) is the correct answer.
Question2:- The Supreme Court of India has observed a clear distinction between dishonestly and
fraudulently in the case of:
(a) Nathu Lal v. State of M.P.
(b) Dr. Vimla v. Delhi Administration
(c) Central Bank of India v. Narain
(d) Mubarik Ali v. State of Bombay
Answer is B is correct. In the case of Dr. Vimla vs. Delhi Administration, the test to deceit was
laid down by the court and court differentiated between fraud and dishonesty. Therefore
option (b) is the correct answer.
Question3:- Which one of the following is not an offences punishable under Indian penal code
1860 ?
(a) Preparing to wage war against government of India
(b) Preparing to commit dacoity or robbery
(c) Preparing to commit depredation on the territory of friendly state of the government
of India
(d) Preparing to commit suicide
Answer is D is correct. Preparation to commit suicide has not been recognized as an offence under
IPC as there can be change of mind after preparing for suicide and the person does not
attempt for the same. Though attempt to suicide is punishable under Section 309.
Therefore option (d) is the correct answer.
Question4:- In which of the following offences ‘ mens rea is not an essential element under Indian
penal code?
(a) Bigamy
(b) Murder
(c) Theft
(d) Robbery
Answer is A is correct. Under the offence of Bigamy which is punishable under Section 494
intention or knowledge plays no role as it is ipso facto punishable if the marriage does not
fall under exceptions. Therefore option (a) is the correct answer.
Question5:- Who among the following in not public servant ?
(a) Chief Minister of State
(b) Chairman of a central Board of Film censors
(c) Surveyor of an Insurance company
(d) Employee of Nationalized Bank
Answer is C is correct. Surveyor of an insurance company is not a public servant under Section 21
of IPC. Therefore option (c) is the correct answer.
Question6:- When was Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 was introduced before the Lok Sabha?
(a) 12th August 2023
(b) 15th August 2023
(c) 10th August 2023
(d) 11th August 2023
Answer is D is correct. Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita bill 2023 was introduced in lok sabha on 11 th August
2023. It is still pending in the par0liament. Therefore option (d) is the correct answer.
Question7:- In Post master murder case before the privy councel the judgment was delivered by?
(a) Sir Madhvan Nair
(b) Lord Coleridge
(c) Lord summer
(d) Lord Haldane
Answer is A is correct. Section 34 talks about common intention, this section were substituted by Act
27 of 1870, though the words “in furtheran0ce of common intention of all” were there in this
section from the time of 1870 only. Therefore option (a) is the correct answer.